Guild Information
Level = Level of the Guild
Master= Name of the Guild MasterMember = 100 is the Max Capacity
Exp = Experience of the Guild
Found Day = The day when the Guild was made
Guild Notice
Just Tap the Edit Notice Button and you can put anything you would like to put.
Can be greetings or Notices or any important messages to your guildmates.
Leave Guild
Before leaving the guild the above pic will pop and you need to type "Leave Guild"
As I said you need to have an authority before kicking somebody or inviting somebody. I'll explain it later how it works to give someone an authority.
Exp Donate
You can set your donation by clicking the button
Donation ranges from zero to Fifty percent.
Zero Percent (0%) = The guild would not get anything from your exp
Fifty Percent (50%) = The guild would take 50% of your exp.
Zero Percent (0%) = The guild would not get anything from your exp
Fifty Percent (50%) = The guild would take 50% of your exp.